My son's head was scooped up and placed onto my lap. I could feel my pulse up against where his nose pressed into my leg. There was the feeling of warm liquid pooling around my zipper area. Don't tell anyone, but there was a possibility of that being any liquid- maybe even all. Yeah, after a while, it registered. My son is passed away and decapitated. At the very moment all of the warm liquid was only obvious blood, I twitched. No doubt this is devastating. This was no time to be sitting down. Of course I was paralyzed, somewhat. "The moment I stand up, I will get vengeance." I wish I had done that.
What they were doing was ridiculous. Slapping folks in the back of their necks and whacking peoples heads and hips all over the road. We could barely keep up. What was the use? We were here, pressure-washing human mold from below us. I'll bet they consider us to be cleaning up after ourselves. They're awful. I don't think they're monsters, though. They just need to get their shit together. What I hate the most is the sneer they have to make because of how the nerves in their arms connect to their lips. Their shoulders are either really high up like monkeys-in-a-barrel or low, like a librarian with lockjaw. I know. The glasses just stab me. Ah, metaphorically, I mean. Nay, mentally: it's disturbing.
Son's dead. Right. I am paralyzed. Sweat rolls down my nose, and I can't do a thing. It bothered me so much, I would have loved to just pick up my pressure-washing kit and just blow that tuft of skin from off of my face. "Someone please lift me up, and scrape me into the pavement." I wish I had said that. If I had said it when I thought it, I would have had some help. They're still deplorable.
After a third of these things left, I was finally able to move. Well, I was able to move a few parts of myself. Every slight move I made, though, was followed by an energetic, jerking motion. I probably wasn't so ready, yet. I wish I had known that. What I did next was somewhat of a compensation for these tinier moves I was making. Basically, I lunged my self forward. My son's head had already been slipping lower, beyond my knees. This just caused it to finally roll under my bench. Fuck it. I wasn't planning on keeping it.
The End.
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